Transition from Indoor to Beach Volleyball

As you probably know, there are two different types of volleyball – indoor volleyball as well as beach volleyball. It’s worth noting that indoor volleyball and beach volleyball have many things in common. On the other hand, there are many differences between indoor volleyball and beach volleyball.

Lots of athletes choose to play the indoor volleyball game. Many athletes also give a preference to beach volleyball. The history of volleyball also knows the athletes, who have played both indoor and beach volleyball. Initially, these athletes played indoor volleyball and later they made transition and switched between indoor to beach volleyball.

Some volleyball players would like to learn more about transition from indoor to beach volleyball. So, they have some questions about the transition between these two sports. Today, we’ll give you insights into transition from indoor to beach volleyball.

We would like to tell you the most important things you need to know about the transition from indoor to beach volleyball and try to help you come up with the answers to many of your questions. As a result, you’ll know what it takes to switch between indoor and beach volleyball sports.

So, let’s get started.

It Doesn’t Take Volleyball Players Too Much Time to Switch between Two Sports

When making the transition, volleyball players must be prepared that it takes some time to adapt to changes. However, the process of switching between two sports usually doesn’t take too long.

Professional volleyball players, who have played both indoor and beach volleyball, say that the transition period took a few weeks only. Also, it doesn’t take players too much time to come back to indoor volleyball.

Indoor Volleyball Players Find It Difficult to Jump on the Sand

Indoor volleyball players face some challenges when making transition from indoor to beach volleyball. For example, it’s a lot easier to jump on the court rather than on sand. The truth is that sand creates additional obstacles for volleyball players.

Obviously, jumps on the sand require more physical strength and power. That’s why jumping on the sand can be hard. All of this means that indoor volleyball players must be prepared that it will take them some time to adjust to jumping on the sand.

It Can Be Difficult for Indoor Volleyball Players to Move Quickly on the Sand

We all know how it’s important for volleyball athletes to be able to move quickly in any direction during the game. However, moving on the sand can be more challenging for indoor volleyball players.

When it comes to beach volleyball, it’s incredibly important for athletes to be able to make short and intense movements. Obviously, indoor volleyball players need to get more serious training and he/she has to put more focus on strength and conditioning to be able to move on the sand quickly and play the game of beach volleyball successfully.

The reality is, the success of a beach volleyball player depends a lot on his/her legs. It’s recommended for athletes to do exercises that strengthen legs. Perform these exercises prior to making transition from indoor to beach volleyball. With the so called “sand legs”, indoor volleyball players can make quick movements on the sand and do great job during the game.

Indoor Volleyball Players Should Diversify their Game to Play Beach Volleyball

An indoor volleyball player usually takes only one position on the court. He/she can be a blocker, attacker, setter, libero or defensive volleyball player. Every indoor volleyball player has his/her own responsibilities on the court and has to develop the certain skills.

If a volleyball player is responsible for blocking, he/she has to focus on developing blocking skills. Also, it’s incredibly important for a volleyball player to improve his/her vertical jump all the time.

A defensive volleyball player is responsive for resisting the opposing team’s attack hits. So, a defensive volleyball player should work on developing such a skill as diving. A defensive volleyball player has to move quickly and be able to approach the necessary place on the court quickly, dive and not allow the ball to land on the court.

A passer should work on improving his/her passing skills.

A setter should work on improving his/her setting skills.

However, the same can’t be said about the game of beach volleyball. An indoor volleyball player must be prepared that he/she may need to take different roles during the game if he/she chooses to switch to beach volleyball.

A beach volleyball player has to be able to play either in the front row or in the back row of the court. Beach volleyball players should be able to replace each other during the game when such a need arises.

A beach volleyball player must be able to play as a hitter or as a blocker depending on the situation. That’s why it’s incredibly important for a beach volleyball player to develop different types of skills such as blocking, hitting, passing, setting, etc.

An Indoor Volleyball Player Who Wants to Switch to Beach Volleyball Should Learn How to Play under the Sun and during Winds

It’s no surprise that beach volleyball players should be able to play the game under different weather conditions. That means that you must be prepared to adjust to some changes if you played indoors earlier.

For example, winds may affect the ball when it’s set or when it’s hit. So, a ball may change its direction due to windy conditions. And of course, a beach volleyball player should take into consideration this fact.

Let’s say that you would like to lower the impact of the wind when setting the ball. In this case, you shouldn’t set the ball very high. So, it makes a lot of sense to reduce the height of set if the wind is strong.

Sometimes, the game of beach volleyball is played under the hot sun. If this is the case, beach volleyball players should wear sunglasses and use sun screen. Plus, it’s crucial for beach volleyball players to drink plenty of water to keep their body well-hydrated.

Volleyball Players Who Made Transition from Indoor to Beach Volleyball

It’s important to point out that some volleyball players managed to make a transition from indoor to beach volleyball successfully. You need to know that some of beach volleyball players are former indoor volleyball players. Below, we’ll talk about those athletes, who played both indoor and beach volleyball. Plus, we’ll tell you about their achievements.

First of all, we would like to tell you about the men’s volleyball legend, Karch Kiraly. He is the only volleyball player, who has won Olympic medal in beach and indoor volleyball sports.

Karch Kiraly won the Gold medals in the sport of indoor volleyball in Los Angeles in 1984 and in Seoul in 1988. Additionally, the athlete won the Gold medal in the sport of beach volleyball in Atlanta in 1996.

Brittany Hochevar is the legendary US volleyball player, who made the transition from indoor volleyball to beach volleyball. She started her career as an indoor volleyball player.

Initially, Brittany Hochevar played indoor volleyball and she took the position of an opposite hitter. Brittany was a member of the United States woman’s national volleyball team and after that she decided to switch to beach volleyball sport. She won the Bronze medal Pan American Games when she played for the United States woman’s national volleyball team in 2003.

Brittany Hochevar played together with such beach volleyball players as Lisa Rutledge and Lauren Fendrick.

Sarah Sponcil is a female player, who has made a transition from indoor to beach volleyball. When Sarah was an indoor volleyball player she took the position of an outside hitter and a setter.

We also need to tell you about the legendary Canadian female volleyball player, Sarah Lindsey Pavan. Initially, she played as an indoor volleyball and then made transition to beach volleyball.

It’s worth noting that her transition from indoor to beach volleyball was very successful. As a beach volleyball player she won the Gold medal at World Championship that took place in Hamburg in 2019.

Final Thoughts

Thank you so much for reading this article. We’ve just told you about the transition from indoor to beach volleyball. It’s worth noting that this type of transition can be challenging.

In reality, volleyball players have to overcome lots of challenges and adapt to changes when switching from indoor to beach sports. However, as the saying goes “there is nothing impossible”.

Once you get some experience, you’ll find it a lot easier to play the game of beach volleyball. Train smart, train hard and, most importantly, train regularly. Sooner or later, the success will happen and you become a good volleyball player! As always we wish you the best of luck!


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